fleche1.gif (94 octets) Jazz In Belgium : a wonderful website on the Jazz in Belgium, including a short biography and discography for the most famous belgian jazzmen. For exemple, you can find a page on Rene Thomas here.

fleche1.gif (94 octets) Pierre Dulieu Homepage : a webzine on jazz and some discographies of belgian jazzmen, including Rene Thomas.

fleche1.gif (94 octets) L'echo des cuilleres : a page on Rene Thomas in the french magazine "L'echo des cuilleres" online.

fleche1.gif (94 octets) Maison du Jazz de Liege : althought there aren't special things on Rene Thomas on their website, you can find a lot of informations on jazz in Liege and Belgium. Furthermore, J.P. Schroeder has put online a great retrospective of Comblain festivals here.

fleche1.gif (94 octets) David Gould homepage : a great site on jazz guitar, with discographies, photographs and a lot of informations on several well known jazz guitarists.

fleche1.gif (94 octets) Felix Simtaine website : the official website.

fleche1.gif (94 octets) Lost And Found : a wonderful website on Chet Baker, with discography.

fleche1.gif (94 octets) Lou Bennett website : the official website.

fleche1.gif (94 octets) Henk Haverhoek website : the official website.



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